Sunday 22 April 2012

...Monday is world cancer day...

A small request and it's just one line.
Dear God, I pray for a cure for cancer. Amen
All you are asked to do is keep this circulating, even if it's
only to one more person. In memory of anyone you know
who has been struck by cancer or is still living with it.
A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle..
Please Keep This Candle Going...


  1. One of the best way to stop smocking make new hobbies like play game. After this we feel fresh and we can shows improving Our healthy fitness. We can put some wight after quit smoking.

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  2. Something unique ever I had seen. Question and answer provide me all information what I was searching. Micronutrients

  3. Everyone should understand an aim of the world cancer day. This day, every smoker should tell them self to quit smoking and give a support to this cancer fighting. So, finally I want to say, thank you very much to provide us, such an informative article.

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  4. Due to quit smoking I have also participated in a contest of the world cancer day. I tried many times to quit smoking but every time failed but on that day, I really decided to quit smoking, and now I am smoking free person.


  5. great work to show our respect toward patient suffering from cancer. There are many reason to cancer and we all should take pledge on this World cancer day to stop all habit that can lead to cancer and make our earth free from cancer or cancer like diseases C4 Extreme

  6. There are many different kinds of cancer. Most cancers form solid tumors, and these tumors usually start with a series of mutation in one of the body's own cells.

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